Student Chapter

About us
"The Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) is the world’s largest professional society for those in the field of Operations Research, Management Sciences, and advanced
analytics. INFORMS works to encourage a broader understanding and recognition of OR, the management sciences, and advanced analytics as a profession."(informs.org)
The INFORMS Student Chapter at Auburn University promotes interest in the fields of OR/MS, fosters a sense of community among students in these disciplines, and promotes the exchange of ideas, mentoring students, and connections between students and professionals in industry and academia. It was established in 2014 by the teamwork of AU students and faculty advisors. You can download INFORMS student chapters handbook and Constitution/Bylaws.
The executive board members for the academic year 2019 - 2020 are:

Our student organization roster is now largely made of our newer students. We plan to continue this tradition in the upcoming years.
From the previous year's achievements, we have received the highest honor reward of Summa Cum Laude at INFORMS 2018 Student Chapter Awards.
The executive board members for the academic year 2018 - 2019 are:

In the academic year of 2017 - 2018, our student chapter received an award for our events and achievements, from INFORMS. We continue to expand our reach within the university and enlarge our events.
We plan to enrich our officer roster and have a great transition phase between the older officers and the newly elected ones.
The executive board members for the academic year 2017 - 2018 are:

Grant Romine (Vice-president)
Master's student, ISE dept.

Zahra Sedighi (Treasurer)
PhD candidate, ISE dept.
Behnam Rasoolian (Secretary)
PhD student, ISE dept.

Qiong Hu (Ecouncil representative)
PhD student, ISE dept.

Oguz Toragay (Webmaster)
PhD student, ISE dept.
For the academic year 2016-2017, officers of INFORMS Student Chapter reviewed the mission statement of the organization, set goals and milestones to evaluate their performance at the end of their responsible year. In addition, they established the organization's current website and published brochures to apprise the members of the organization. They planned, organized and managed several events. The number of events only in Fall 2016 semester shows 250% increase in comparison with the previous year. The outstanding work of the officers led to the INFORMS 2017 Student Chapter Award at the level of Cum Laude.
The executive board members for the academic year 2016 - 2017 were:
Faculty adviser: Dr. Alexander Vinel
President: Nasrin Mohabbati
Vice-President: Hyeoncheol Baik
Treasurer: Zahra Sedighi
Secretary: Behnam Rasoolian
E-council representative: Qiong Hu
The officers of the chapter for academic year 2015 - 2016 put most of their efforts to introduce the chapter to the students by holding general meetings. They invited two guest speakers from academia and industry. Also, a team of the graduate students were mentored to participate in Syngenta Crop Challenge 2016. In addition, they established the facebook page of the chapter. The faculty advisor was Mr. Frank Oprandy from Business School.
The executive board members for academic year 2015 - 2016 were:

From left to right: Guru Venkataraman Rao (Secretary), Kathryn Hoerlein (Treasurer), Hung Yu Lee (President), Nasrin Mohabbati (Vice-president), Sai Praneeth Reddy (E-council representative)
At 2014, the former chapter officers mostly worked through the process of establishing the chapter at Auburn University. They conducted two general meetings to introduce the chapter to the students. Also, they mentored a team of graduate and undergraduate students to participate in Big Data competition that held by Texas A&M University.
The executive board members for academic year 2014 - 2015 were:
Faculty advisor: Dr. Chase Murray
President: Amanda Chu
Vice President: Eduardo Rivera
Secretary: Mikayla Harvey
Treasurer: Chao Yang
E-Council Representative: Chia-Chun Chang